Kyle Daniels, Sports Psychologist

Kyle Daniels

B.A. Psychology (Hons), University of South Africa

B.A., Social Sciences, University of the Western Cape

Master Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP)

Sport Psychology for developing Athletes (in progress)

As a dedicated Sport Psychology Consultant and Mental Performance Coach, Kyle is on a mission to equip athletes with the mental techniques and psychological strategies that will allow them perform at their highest potential. With a profound passion for both the intricacies of human psychology and the world of high performance, Kyle has become a driving force behind the success of numerous athletes across diverse disciplines.

Kyle Daniels on a Trail Run

A Trailblazer in the World of Mental Performance

Rooted in a love for running, particularly trail running, Kyle has consistently explored the interplay between the physical and psychological aspects of athletic performance. The journey that began with personal exploration has now evolved into a flourishing career, where Kyle has developed a reputation as the go-to person to help athletes excel in their careers and lives.

Elevating Athletes to New Heights

Renowned for his ability to inspire, motivate, teach and transform, Kyle is a trusted partner for athletes seeking a competitive edge. His tailored approach acknowledges that each athlete's journey is unique, crafting personalized strategies that address individual challenges and goals.

A Wealth of Experience and Expertise

With a solid academic foundation in Sport Psychology, along with practical experience working with 100s professional athletes from a range of sporting disciplines, Kyle possesses a rich tapestry of knowledge to draw upon. His in-depth understanding of the psychological intricacies that impact athletic performance allows him to provide comprehensive and effective coaching.

Beyond Sports, Into Life

Beyond enhancing athletic achievements, Kyle recognizes that mental performance extends into all facets of life. His coaching philosophy extends beyond the field, the track or the pool, and empowers athletes to navigate the challenges of life with unwavering composure, confidence, and focus.

Whether you are a seasoned athlete aiming for the podium or an emerging talent looking to break through barriers, Kyle is dedicated to being your corner. Don't let mental barriers hold you back any longer. Take the first step towards unlocking your true potential.

Contact Kyle to ignite your inner champion today!